Mobile, versatile, reserved.

This is our new Lian screen.

Room divider, acoustic, mobile, modular and versatile… all in one!

It allows to make separations in spaces and to form reserved environments, polyvalent of easy and fast assembly.

Dynamic and colorful

Its manufacture with acoustic materials, its metallic structure and its concave shape allow it to form dynamic ensembles in serious environments.

Available in two heights, 130cm and 150cm.

Versatility and sustainability

Manufactured on a metal tube structure lacquered in 5 different colors and in thermoformed PFA with 70% recycled PET.

The union between the structure and the PFA body will be by means of Velcro strips.

Possibility of joining several of them.


Environmental commitment

Materials easily segregated for later recycling.


Download all the information about Lian.


3D files

Technical data

About the designer
